Recommended actions for ENH Risk: Switching to your chaser vehicle is highly recommended. Dealership cars can be thrown up to a half mile at this stage, and red and pink TVS's begin appearing more often.

Mobile homes begin to get slabbed (117 mph winds), and EXP* 2 houses sustain serious damage. A common risk, this is when tornadoes begin to get dangerous. Often times, these will bring tornadoes with orange/red vector signatures.ĮNH - Enhanced. Building damage may occur and debris may block roads.

Probes are worth using on Slight and above risks. Recommended actions for SLGT risk: Slight risk is when you should begin taking caution when using dealership vehicles. It also brings photogenic tornados, however rainwrapping becomes more common. An uncommon risk, usually bringing marginally powerful tornadoes that can lift dealership vehicles and pose a risk to small towns like Mizpah or Trent.

Recommend actions for MRGL Risk: MRGL risk is when you should use your standard dealership car like the Dodge Charger or F-150 for taking pictures. These often bring majestic sidewinders (needles/ropes if 1.17), however, some sidewinder tornadoes, are a little less gentle.* 1 A popular rating, well-known for bringing "gentle" tornadoes that are rarely rainwrapped and are extremely photogenic. Recommended Actions for TSTM Risk: TSTM risk days are essentially resting days for chasers as any tornadoes are weak and short-lived, and storms generally die out within a span of just a few hours (2-3 hours game time, about 9-12 minutes real time) Generally, take a break, grab a snack or a drink, and get ready for the next day. A highly disliked risk rating, TSTM risk days often have short-lived, weak tornadoes. There are 5 risks, each stemming from different thermos. This calculates each dynamic and forms a risk based on what it's able to sum up. These update at around 2:55 AM every day. You also have a level of risk, which can help tell you the strength of the tornadoes that may spawn. Inside of this tab you get two recordings of each thermodynamic, the forecast and current. One can find thermodynamics in the in-game tab that has the symbol of the sun. Using the 'downhill' analogy again, when water flows downhill, the driving force is gravity.Thermodynamics is a way to record the levels of the atmosphere to help predict the rate and strength of tornadoes. When talking about exergonic, or 'downhill' reactions, chemists sometimes use the term 'driving force' to describe the chemical factor or factors that drive the reaction from higher energy reactant to lower energy product.